Did you know that…
* Balboa Island is a man made Island.
The island, (which was once just a “sandspit"), was actually dredged and filled right before World War I.
* The Distances around Balboa Island Are:
Balboa Island - 1.71 Miles
Little Balboa Island - .79 Miles
The Bridge and the Ramp - .5 Miles
Total = 2.60 Miles
* Original property lots were sold for $250.
Now lots on our beautiful island run in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions.
* Our magnificent Christmas Boat Parade began in 1908.
On December 23, 1908, a gondolier named John Scarpa organized eight canoes and his own gondola, all lighted with Japanese lanterns and ceremoniously sailed around in the bay.
* Errol Flynn owned a yacht in the Newport Harbor.
As a matter of fact… so did Humphrey Bogart, Dick Powell, Shirley Temple, James Cagney, Mae West and John Wayne, (to name just a few).
* Dave Kunst, a Balboa Island Resident was the first individual to walk around the world’s land mass (no oceans) - beginning and ending in Waseca, Minnesota. Dave traversed 4 continents, 13 countries, and wore out 21 pairs of shoes. For more information about this interesting person go to his website http://home.earthlink.net/~earthwalker1/